Earl Haig Spring Festival – May 25th

The countdown is on till our much anticipated event of the year – the Earl Haig Festival! The big day is just under three weeks away and preparations are well underway for lots of fun events again this year. There are lots of ways for you to help make this event a success both before and during the event:

Spread the news – This event is open to the community so tell your friends and family to come for some fun.

Volunteer the day of the event – The organizing committee are an amazing group of regular volunteers at the school and have been meeting for weeks pulling together the final details for this grand event. We’d like to see them also get a chance to have fun with their families the day of the festival – let’s lend them a hand! Volunteers are needed to run events, staff the barbecue, sell food, set up and take down, and run the games and tables. Click here to sign up for a 30 min shift (or two!) the day of the event.

Contribute to the Childrens Jar or Adults Bag a Bottle Tables  Fill a jar with new child friendly items (e.g. Candy, Crayons, Marbles, Craft supplies, skipping ropes, beads, magic tricks, race cars, rainbow loom elastics…. you get the picture).  If you’re filling with edibles please make sure the items are in their original packaging. And for the grown ups in the crowd, the Bag-a-Bottle event is back this year. Fill a wine gift bag with any bottle that will fit: shampoo, household cleaners, bubble bath, wine, maple syrup. At the festival buy a ticket and pick a jar or bag and be surprised! Donations can be dropped off at the main office between now and the day of the festival.

 Contribute to the Cake Walk or Bake Sale – If baking is more your thing we’ve got just the event for you! Bake something sweet for either of these events – a cake for the Cake Walk (a fun mix of musical chairs where instead of competing for a chair you’re competing for a delicious cake!), or baked treats for the bake sale. Remember that all treats must be nut free and can be dropped off at the main office the day of the event. If you want to make the most of the rainy indoor days and get your baking done early you might want to try one of these techniques for freezing your baked treats!

Festival 2017 copy

Earl Haig PS Newsletter

We were so excited to see the inaugural edition of the Earl Haig PS Newsletter in our in-boxes earlier this month! Congratulations to everyone involved for bringing it to life – we look forward to hearing more updates from the school staff and administration through this new channel. If you didn’t see that email it might be hiding in your junk items (and don’t forget to add EarlHaigPSJr@tdsb.on.ca to your safe senders list!).

How to talk so kids will listen

Interested in learning some techniques for improving communication with your children? The Parent Education Network is hosting a workshop at the KaZa Family centre this Monday May 1st – see below for details.

How to talk